Housewarming på THE UPCYCL Aarhus Showroom

With circulating smiles and corresponding drinks, THE UPCYCL celebrated the opening of our New Waste showroom in the heart of the City of Smiles.

It finally happened! We officially opened our New Waste showroom! The latest addition to our green family, our mint-green material room, received a fantastic reception during our housewarming last week. Therefore, it is only right to send a big thank you to everyone who visited our New Waste showroom at the opening - THANK YOU. It was a huge success, and we couldn't have asked for a better kickoff.

Our entire team had three fun and motivating days filled with curious guests from the design and architecture industry, all of whom had one thing in common: a passion for the circular economy and a strong belief in THE UPCYCL's mission. We are delighted that so many have opened their eyes to New Waste and its rich potential because we can only be circular together.

Room for the design revolution of waste materials

Our showroom is filled with New Waste materials from our member companies, and all the waste materials are presented in a presentable manner with an eye for the creative industry that needs to be inspired by them and use them in designs and projects. By making materials physically accessible to designers and developers, THE UPCYCL focuses on the tons of waste materials that are continuously available and ready to be incorporated into design development.

Your company can book a physical meeting in our showroom if you need materials for a project. We give you plenty of time to explore all our New Waste materials, of course, along with one of the material enthusiasts from THE UPCYCL.

If you need a space for brainstorming, prototype testing, sketches, or anything else, you can also book our showroom now.

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